Sunday 19 June 2011

The Tree Of Life

Now, like i said, I'm no film expert, and I'm not someone who knows the namem of every director. But I'am aware that Terrence Malick has made other 'philosophical' films, such as 'The Thin Red Line', and as you will soon find out, they are my favourite type of film. Just watching the trailer for this film gave me goose bumps, the images were inspiring! Even though the trailer gives you almost no clue to what the film is about, it hooked me straight away.
I did a bit of research on the whole idea of the film, which is all about how everything affects your life and life in general; about the beginning and end of life. With this plot, and two amazing actors (Sean Penn and Brad Pritt) this film is sure to be a winner.
Here is the link for the trailer:

Please follow. Jacob :)

A life in a day of me...

More than ever, find myself wasting away my days watching films. I get so taken in by a good, meaningful film. Everything about it is so attractive. It's the wonderful connection between sound and images that makes it so beautiful. But don't get me wrong, I do go out a lot as well. I'm not just some guy that sits on the sofa all day staring at the TV. And even yesterday i managed to watch 4 films even though I was out most of the day with my friends and girlfriend.
My immense love of film is want made me take Media Studies at my school, although I do not think it is very healthy to disect a film. I much prefer just relaxing and taking it all in for how it is.
Of course, there is nothing worse than a bad film, although it is quite entertaining watching a mix of bad acting and bad special effects (e.g. Star Jumpers).
So basically this is a short intro to my blog, an almost video diary like blog. And no, i'm not going to bore you with my critique, as I'am no expert (yet). I will just be making posts if i see a film or film trailing that has caught my eye. I hope you will check out my blog and follow

Speak to you soon. Jacob