Sunday, 19 June 2011

A life in a day of me...

More than ever, find myself wasting away my days watching films. I get so taken in by a good, meaningful film. Everything about it is so attractive. It's the wonderful connection between sound and images that makes it so beautiful. But don't get me wrong, I do go out a lot as well. I'm not just some guy that sits on the sofa all day staring at the TV. And even yesterday i managed to watch 4 films even though I was out most of the day with my friends and girlfriend.
My immense love of film is want made me take Media Studies at my school, although I do not think it is very healthy to disect a film. I much prefer just relaxing and taking it all in for how it is.
Of course, there is nothing worse than a bad film, although it is quite entertaining watching a mix of bad acting and bad special effects (e.g. Star Jumpers).
So basically this is a short intro to my blog, an almost video diary like blog. And no, i'm not going to bore you with my critique, as I'am no expert (yet). I will just be making posts if i see a film or film trailing that has caught my eye. I hope you will check out my blog and follow

Speak to you soon. Jacob

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